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3rd Annual Poetry Contest

Annual Poetry Contest Official Rules
The 2025 Annual Poetry Contest submissions should be inspired by the theme: FAMILY!
General Rules:
  • Entry into the Poetry Contest is FREE!
  • All poems must be original works in English, and have not ever been published.
  • Each poem must have entry form/cover sheet attached if you are submitting in person. .
  • Name of the poet or identifying information must NOT appear anywhere on the poem.
  • Title of the poem appears at the top of the page.
  • Poems are typed or neatly printed on standard 8 ½ x 11 paper.
  • Submissions in cursive handwriting will not be accepted for accessibility reasons.
  • If poem is more than one page long, each page must be numbered.
  • Entries are to be no longer than 100 lines.
  • Submitted poems will not be returned, so please make a copy before submission.
  • Entrants give permission to the North Perth Public Library to publish their poems by entering this contest.
  • Winning entries may be slightly edited for spelling and grammar before being published without the author’s prior approval.
  • Participants may enter more than one poem, but each poem must be accompanied by its own attached, entry form/cover sheet.
  • Winners will be determined by community judging and a guest judge. All decisions are final.
  • There will be two (2) winners per category.
Online submission is preferred for accessibility reasons. They can be submitted in hardcopy as well, at any of the North Perth Public Library branches during regular library hours. Branches are located in Listowel, Monkton, and Atwood.
Please make sure the entry form is filled out for all submissions. 
I consent to being contacted in regards to this contest
I certify that the attached poetic work is completely original
I am providing consent for publishing the poet's first name with the last initial for announcement purposes
I understand that I am invited to the Poetry Evening on April 30 at 6pm

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

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